Giving Tuesday

2020 has been a challenging year for all. It is also our first year as an officially recognized 501.c.3. We are a new organization that is providing services to families while having to contend with COVID. We never had put in our budget at the start of the year, the following items, because we didn’t know we’d need them: 10 infrared thermometers, costs of building out outdoor classrooms, ventilation remediation, PPE (we didn’t know what PPE was earlier this year!), or CLIA certification, stringent surveillance protocols, or a reduction in the number of students we can serve per class or in our building in total, and the costs of virtual instruction.

If we helped you in some way, and you have the means to help us, today is the day. Here is how you could help:

MAGE is a 501(c)3 charitable organization. Your gift is 100% tax deductible if no goods or services are being received as a result of this gift. Click here to donate online. You may also mail donations to Midwest Academy for Gifted Education, 1164 N. Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago IL 60642.