
Admissions Testing Days Added: April 24, May 2022

A part of our application process is IQ or academic qualification, where students must score 98% or above. We have representatives of PGR, MENSA, and DYS in the school community. Selective qualification on IQ and or academics does not guarantee admission and is a small portion of our admissions process. Many families have asked us to help with admissions testing. You can use your existing SEES letter, PSAT/SAT/ACT/BESTS/COGAT/ or even NWEA MAP to qualify for applying, besides IQ testing.

However, this year, it's still also one of the hardest portions. Many psycho-educational service facilities are closed and are not performing IQ testing. Many schools are not running standardized testing. Therefore, we are offering a test day to help our applicants. While our application is free, we can't offer this free of charge as we are still a new organization. This testing is not available to families not in our application cycle.

On May 16th, we will offer two types of testing. This testing is not equivalent to our full screening for our admissions and is for the gifted qualification portion only. 

A NEGATIVE COVID TEST IS REQUIRED IN THE WEEK PRIOR TO THE TESTING and our COVID policy has to be followed with regard to masking, distancing, exposure and travel.

Achievement 1:1 testing: We have 5 appointment slots available for children ages 4-8. Testing will take 1.5 hours, in person. Parent must stay on site for the duration of the test. This testing will cost $150.

Academic testing: NWEA MAP testing for grades K-12.  There will be 2 sessions: 8AM; 1PM. Academic testing will cost $150. Testing may take 1-4 hours, depending on student. 8 students are allowed per session. 

Depending on age and parental perception of achievement, students will be given the following batteries: K-2 NWEA, 2-6NWEA, 6+NWEA. The reading and math NWEA will be offered to all; language and algebra will be offered to appropriate grades and abilities. 

Admissions Testing Day Added: April 24,May 15th, 2022

A part of our application process is IQ or academic qualification, where students must score 98% or above. We have representatives of PGR, MENSA, and DYS in the school community. Selective qualification on IQ and or academics does not guarantee admission and is a small portion of our admissions process. Many families have asked us to help with admissions testing. You can use your existing SEES letter, PSAT/SAT/ACT/BESTS/COGAT/ or even NWEA MAP to qualify for applying, besides IQ testing.

However, this year, it's also one of the hardest portions. Many psycho-educational service facilities are closed and are not performing IQ testing. Many schools are not running standardized testing. Therefore, we are offering a test day to help our applicants. While our application is free, we can't offer this free of charge as we are still a new organization. This testing is not available to families not in our application cycle.

On April 24th and May 15th, 2022, we will offer two types of testing. This testing is not equivalent to our full screening for our admissions and is for the gifted qualification portion only. You will be automatically emailed for a test date if you notify us in your admissions application that you need to be tested by us.

A NEGATIVE COVID TEST IS REQUIRED IN THE WEEK PRIOR TO THE TESTING and our COVID policy has to be followed with regard to masking, distancing, exposure and travel.

Achievement 1:1 testing: We have 5 appointment slots available for children ages 4-8. Testing will take 1.5 hours, in person. Parent must stay on site for the duration of the test. This testing will cost $150.

Academic testing: NWEA MAP testing for grades K-12.  There will be 2 sessions: 8AM; 1PM. Academic testing will cost $100. Testing may take 1-4 hours, depending on student. 8 students are allowed per session. 

Depending on age and parental perception of achievement, students will be given the following batteries: K-2 NWEA, 2-6NWEA, 6+NWEA. The reading and math NWEA will be offered to all; language and algebra will be offered to appropriate grades and abilities. 


If you are interested in 2021 Fall admissions, you should be aware of some key important facts:

  • Our year ends in June, and we do not allow for shadow visits the last 2 weeks of our program.

  • A shadow visit is required in order for your child to gain attendance.

  • You also need a COVID test in order to attend a shadow visit, and we limit how many children we allow into the shadow day per week.

  • Our admissions process takes several weeks and involves a parent interview and teacher recommendations, and it requires for you to have qualifying documents which sometimes take a long time to obtain.

  • Your place in line is held by our application date.

  • Because children that are not yet school-age can’t shadow due to age restrictions in our program, there are only a few slots left in the JK/K screening day in May for the fall.

  • Our application is still free. So, what are you waiting for? Click the button at the top right corner to apply!